Dr Reza Faridrad
Dip Dent (Istanbul) MSc OMFS MFDS RCS
Angel Dental Implant Centre 92 Chamberlayne Road Kensal Green London, NW10 3JL.
020 8969 3560 or info@angel-implants-centre.co.uk
Reza qualified in 1995 and has 3 years of postgraduate education in Oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Eastman Dental Institute. He was awarded a prestigious masters degree from University College, London in 2001.
He has 4 years of hospital experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics in London (UCH), Liverpool (Aintree hospitals) and Cheltenham & Gloucester hospitals. Reza has extensive experience in facial trauma and injuries, and management of oral cancer.
He is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MFDS RCS), the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI), The Association of Osteointegration (ITI) and the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics. Reza is the principal of Angel Dental Implant Centre, London and his field of interest is the rehabilitation of complex implant cases.